Associated Bill
Debates and Progress
First Reading
Second Reading
Ms. Natalia Kusendova, Mr. Guy Bourgouin, Ms. Goldie Ghamari, Mr. Michael Mantha, Mr. Sam Oosterhoff, Mr. Joel Harden, Mrs. Gila Martow, Mr. Jamie West
Declared carried. Referred to the Standing Committee on Regulations and Private Bills.
Motion to Arrange Proceedings
Hon. Paul Calandra, Mr. Gilles Bisson, Ms. Natalia Kusendova, Mrs. Gila Martow
Order of referral to the Standing Committee on Social Policy discharged. Ordered for third reading pursuant to the order of the House.
Third Reading
Mme Natalia Kusendova, Mr. Guy Bourgouin, Ms. Amanda Simard, Mr. Stephen Blais, Hon. Caroline Mulroney, Mr. Sam Oosterhoff, Mme France Gélinas, Mme Lucille Collard, Mr. John Fraser, Mr. John Vanthof, Mr. Michael Mantha, Mr. Jamie West, Mr. Percy Hatfield
Declared carried.
Royal Assent
Thursday, September 24, 2020