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  1. … CONCURRENCE IN SUPPLY SUPPLY ACT OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY ACT (CONCLUDED) THIRD READING BUDGET DEBATE … Sales Act in the assembly. That is clearly shown in Hansard on page 9552 of that morning. Late yesterday, the … for Wentworth was first elected with a couple of thousand votes majority. By the time he ran in 1977 his majority was …
    House Hansard
  2. … SPEECH DEBATE ESTIMATES, MINISTRY OF TREASURY, ECONOMICS AND INTER-GOVERNMENTAL AFFAIRS (CONCLUDED) APPENDIX … to hon. members, they will be printed as an appendix to Hansard today. Is this agreed? Agreed. Mr. Evans: Mr. … relatively quickly in order to get to some of the later votes. We have 1007, 1008 and 1009 still to be completed. …
    House Hansard
  3. … Mercredi 12 juin 2002 ORDERS OF THE DAY RELIABLE ENERGY AND CONSUMER PROTECTION ACT, 2002 / LOI DE 2002 SUR LA … Applause. Mr Ted Arnott (Waterloo-Wellington): How will Hansard record that? It is my pleasure to conclude my remarks … o'clock tomorrow morning. The House adjourned at 1906. … Hansard Transcripts 2002-Jun-12 …
    House Hansard
  4. … May 1976 / Jeu 20 mai 1976 ESTIMATES, MINISTRY OF COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES NIAGARA ESCARPMENT PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT … continue. Mr. Nixon: That’s all right, we will read it in Hansard. An hon. member: Let us know and we’ll start taking … Mr. Warner: I look forward to the rest of these votes. Mr. Chairman: The hon. member for Kitchener-Wilmot. …
    House Hansard
  5. … of the province for the year ending March 31, 1977, and recommends them to the legislative assembly, Toronto, … by the former Minister of Energy in November, 1974 -- Hansard, page 5265 -- where he said: “No route could be … decide whether the township is to be wet or dry. These votes are going forward all the time. The Clerk of the House, …
    House Hansard
  6. … from other provinces have been permitted to lease, and after that non-residents could apply for any remaining … Order. I think that if the hon. minister will check Hansard, that was not a question. Hon. F. S. Miller: I know, … moved resolution No. 2. (Reading dispensed with) (See Votes and Proceedings) Resolution concurred in. NOTICE OF …
    House Hansard
  7. … BILL CITY OF NORTH YORK ACT ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS IN ORDERS AND NOTICES AND RESPONSES TO PETITIONS POLL ORDERS OF THE DAY … sessional paper P-17 standing in Orders and Notices [see Hansard for Monday, June 20]. POLL Hon. Mr. Conway: As well, … that in researching for this speech, I read through the Hansard of the debate on the previous amendment to the Retail …
    House Hansard
  8. … 1975 INSURANCE AMENDMENT ACT THIRD READINGS DOG LICENSING AND LIVE STOCK AND POULTRY PROTECTION ACT THIRD READING … to the Insurance Act. Because we have so many followers of Hansard, I thought it might be wise to read the explanatory … parties -- and then we could go into the particular votes as time may be available to us. Hon. W. D. McKeough …
    House Hansard
  9. … WORKMEN’S COMPENSATION ACT AMENDMENTS SCHOOL BOARDS AND TEACHERS COLLECTIVE NEGOTIATIONS ACT (CONTINUED) LABOUR … it has been said here this morning, about the lack of a Hansard official record of the proceedings of the standing … This was undoubtedly one of the most seminal legislative debates on education and collective bargaining in the history …
    House Hansard
  10. … Charity events in Stormont–Dundas–South Glengarry Order and decorum in chamber Toronto FC Perth county warden Winter … to the classroom. That’s what they did. Everyone was here. Hansard actually records that the NDP, on record— … used. The Speaker (Hon. Dave Levac): There are no deferred votes. This House stands recessed until 1 p.m. this …
    House Hansard
  11. … proportions of the audience I have, both in front of me and behind me at this point, but only momentarily so. I want … 24 the minister spoke with regard to what is described in Hansard as “nuclear plant safety.” Let me give three brief … for Carleton East who is doing the usual honour in these debates -- was referring to, still it is bound to have …
    House Hansard
  12. … PRACTICES TRAINING CENTRE STAFF TEACHERS’ STRIKE MOTION HANSARD COVERAGE ORDERS OF THE DAY ESTIMATES, MINISTRY OF … it emphasizes the unconditional grant programs and provides every municipality with our best estimate of its … G-230 to G-232, Volume 1 of the Legislature of Ontario Debates, 1977. On page G-232, the then minister, the Hon. Mr. …
    House Hansard
  13. … DAY ACCESS TO INFORMATION STATEMENTS BY THE MINISTRY HEART AND CIRCULATORY DISEASES NORTHERN TREATMENT CENTRE NORTHERN … to adjourn from place to place in Ontario, and a full Hansard service should be provided for the committee. The … not new, the province has changed dramatically since those debates of the last century. The arguments of our opponents …
    House Hansard
  14. … highway maintenance Workplace safety Aboriginal programs and services School transportation Housing security for … to speak on this closure motion. As I’ve said in previous debates, there were a couple of bills that the government … suggestion that Minister Bradley gave me and I reviewed Hansard over the weekend and checked the official record from …
    House Hansard
  15. … nov 1985 REPORT STANDING COMMITTEE ON PROCEDURAL AFFAIRS AND AGENCIES, BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS (CONTINUED) The House … the Opposition took 12 minutes. We talked about emergency debates. The procedural affairs committee has recognized the … off their chests. More than likely they want to get it in Hansard, and, heaven forbid, some photostat copies of …
    House Hansard