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  1. … PARTY STATUS HOUSE SITTINGS STATEMENTS BY THE MINISTRY AND RESPONSES CONSUMER PROTECTION MINING INDUSTRY CONSUMER … of municipalities in rural Ontario. While this House debates the integrity of Transportation Minister Takhar, … forward from the First Nations leadership. It's in the Hansard; I'm not going to read it again today because I don't …
    House Hansard
  2. … which the new unified family court comes into existence and it is appropriate and necessary to confer upon this court … Mr. Laughren: Tell us how. Mr. Peterson: I remember the debates, I remember the discussion. I remember that … scandal. Mr. Sargent: He gave me the time and place from Hansard, and the pages. He said, “Hepburn gave a tax …
    House Hansard
  3. … ESTIMATES, MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE AND FOOD (CONTINUED) The House resumed at 8 p.m. House in … that he wanted his remarks to be contained in one copy of Hansard; and chances are he will send out that Hansard … member for Huron-Middlesex said, there are many delegate votes out there among those farmers; and whereas the two …
    House Hansard
  4. … TEACHERS' LABOUR DISPUTE TRADE MISSION EMPLOYEE HEALTH AND SAFETY PSYCHIATRIC PATIENTS NUMBER OF QUESTIONS UNITED … answer to question 78 standing in Orders and Notices [see Hansard for Friday, November 22]. MOTION TO SET ASIDE … I will never forget, which is well recorded in the Hansard debates as it affected us in 1974 when the York County Board …
    House Hansard
  5. … -- educators, business people, labour representatives and counsellors -- on issues affecting employment and … the members who make this place function. Certainly the Hansard crew, the clerk’s office, and people throughout the … of what happened that night, when there were both voice votes and recorded votes, it is impossible to determine in …
    House Hansard
  6. … COALITION LIONS CLUB OF BRIGHTON OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY INDEPENDENT ORDER OF FORESTERS ST JOSEPH SCHOOL … point of order, Mr Speaker: I would like you to review the Hansard of yesterday, if you could give us a determination on … of that nature, but the limitations that are placed on the debates in this House prevent me from doing so. I am glad the …
    House Hansard
  7. … Speaker, I believe all the citizens of Ontario are aware, and I am sure deeply saddened to learn, of the death … had asked that question, the Premier said, according to Hansard on April 6: “They are down in the Hydro library. Read … with this minister’s estimates, nor am I familiar with the votes, but perhaps we will find another time when we can come …
    House Hansard
  8. … OF INFORMATION JUSTICES OF THE PEACE EMPLOYEE HEALTH AND SAFETY CUPE LABOUR DISPUTE REAL ESTATE OFFICE CIOP … the only reference we have turned up is on page 3769 of Hansard, July 8, 1975, which reads: "Mr. Speaker: Before the … sense: there are no politics in this for me. There are no votes in Vespra township that will elect me in Oshawa. That …
    House Hansard
  9. … OF DISSATISFACTION PETITION NIAGARA ESCARPMENT PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT AMENDMENT ACT REPORT COMMISSION ON DECLINING … part of the legislation that was passed.” I now quote from Hansard on June 14, 1973, at the conclusion of the debate on … as a revenue source. Mr. Speaker: Order. We are in routine proceedings. I hope we can get down to statements by the …
    House Hansard
  10. … REPORT BY COMMITTEE STANDING COMMITTEE ON REGULATIONS AND PRIVATE BILLS INTRODUCTION OF BILLS COUNTY OF SIMCOE ACT, … I think if my friend the member for Carleton reviews Hansard, he will agree with me that I did not suggest that at … own community in the last year and a half at some of the debates that have gone on at regional council, people who …
    House Hansard
  11. … Oct 1974 / Mar 29 oct 1974 ESTIMATES, MINISTRY OF INDUSTRY AND TOURISM (CONTINUED) The House resumed at 8 o’clock, p.m. … -- I guess, this is the third or fourth occasion in our votes tonight -- that in the reorganization there are great … under the rules and this is what we were stagnated with. Hansard will disclose, of course, that I spent at least a …
    House Hansard
  12. … PATIENTS MOTIONS ESTIMATES, MINISTRY OF COMMUNITY AND SOCIAL SERVICES BUSINESS OF THE HOUSE INTRODUCTION OF … accurate, word-by-word statement in advance. It will be in Hansard and I would recommend that the member read Hansard. … govern only by polls and what they think will get them votes, and to heck with the opposition, which happens to …
    House Hansard
  13. … HOUSING SCARBOROUGH BICENTENNIAL AWARD OF MERIT CHILDREN AND YOUTH EVENTS IN SAULT STE MARIE SERVICES EN FRANÇAIS … province, you pointed across the way and you said, and Hansard quotes you, "I said there was a break-in." Minister, … California. It would be wise for the minister, during the debates we have during the committee session, to investigate …
    House Hansard
  14. … INDEPENDENCE DAY STATEMENTS BY THE MINISTRY DRINKING AND DRIVING ASSESSMENT AMENDMENT LEGISLATION ORAL QUESTIONS … is the point of order? Mr. McCague: Under page 1535 of Hansard. Mr. Speaker: If the member cannot give me the … as Deputy Speaker I had the opportunity to listen to many debates in these chambers and in the sacred hallowed halls. …
    House Hansard
  15. … 16, 2011, on the motion by Ms. Smith concerning taxation and the provincial economy. The Acting Speaker (Ms. Cheri … quote a couple of pieces, if I can, and I’ll give this to Hansard later, since I don’t have extensive notes. This will … see what happens on October 6 as Ontarians cast their votes and decide as to whether or not that story is going to …
    House Hansard