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Displaying 13801 - 13815 of 13999
  1. … to the House leaders, the Attorney General (Mr. McMurtry), and the chairman of the procedural affairs committee. Through … its adoption: Your committee begs to report the following bills without amendment: Bill Pr33, An Act respecting the … schools -- I think there are two or three in Norway -- by law they would have to spend three years in northern Norway. …
    House Hansard
  2. … No. 20 No 20 Orders and Notices Paper Feuilleton et Avis Legislative Assembly of … Reports by Committees Rapports des comités Introduction of Bills Dépôt des projets de loi Motions Motions Statements by … returned to their precise place of arrest as stated by law, but instead are given bus tickets to a city of choice. …
    Orders & Notices
  3. … morning until approximately 10:20, when we’ll adjourn, and then we’ll come back this afternoon after routine … by a number of obligations imposed by Canadian commercial law and our trade agreement obligations but also government … I’ve just come in from Alberta to help pay my mother’s bills”—or something. It’s very important. Hon. Harinder S. …
    Committee Hansard
  4. … IMPROVEMENTS PROBATIONARY EMPLOYEES ASSISTANCE FOR SENIORS AND DISABLED PERSONS YOUNG OFFENDERS ACT AMATEUR HOCKEY HOTEL … to the community colleges. He could not get into the law and security administration program at Niagara last fall, … trying to do. The member for Hamilton West (Mr. Allen) is making the illusion that we are perhaps second best to anyone …
    House Hansard
  5. … STANDING COMMITTEE ON FINANCE AND ECONOMIC AFFAIRS COMITÉ PERMANENT DES FINANCES ET DES … pass the recommended increase in the tax credit into law, to maintain the 10% regional tax bonus and to pass and … that's an audiologist or your mother or whomever -- and bills conservatively, they will pocket about $2 million in …
    Committee Hansard
  6. … Jun 2020 / Lun 29 jun 2020 STANDING COMMITTEE ON FINANCE AND ECONOMIC AFFAIRS COMITÉ PERMANENT DES FINANCES ET DES … as an executive assistant for a refugee and immigration law practice, which is in my home because that’s what my … point now of how we monetize that and actually pay for our bills from being online. That’s been a great challenge for …
    Committee Hansard
  7. … sitting Adjournment STANDING COMMITTEE ON FINANCE AND ECONOMIC AFFAIRS Chair: Wiseman, Jim (Durham West NDP) … questions or to make comments on the comments that you are making, because I am not -- Mr Stockwell: It just makes you … is delivering; it may be the son, the daughter, the son-in-law. Why are we limiting through a word a recommendation for …
    Committee Hansard
  8. … Orders and Notices Paper Feuilleton et Avis No. 129 No 129 1st … Reports by Committees Rapports des comités Introduction of Bills Dépôt des projets de loi Motions Motions Statements by … provision of health care, continuing Ontario Health and making consequential and related amendments and repeals, be …
    Orders & Notices
  9. … Orders and Notices Paper Feuilleton et Avis No. 175 No 175 1st … Reports by Committees Rapports de comités Introduction of Bills Dépôt de projets de loi Statements by the Ministry and … provision of health care, continuing Ontario Health and making consequential and related amendments and repeals, be …
    Orders & Notices
  10. …       Orders and Notices Paper Feuilleton et Avis No. 169 No 169 1st … Reports by Committees Rapports de comités Introduction of Bills Dépôt de projets de loi Statements by the Ministry and … provision of health care, continuing Ontario Health and making consequential and related amendments and repeals, be …
    Orders & Notices
  11. … Orders and Notices Paper Feuilleton et Avis No. 151 No 151 1st … Reports by Committees Rapports de comités Introduction of Bills Dépôt de projets de loi Statements by the Ministry and … provision of health care, continuing Ontario Health and making consequential and related amendments and repeals, be …
    Orders & Notices
  12. … Orders and Notices Paper Feuilleton et Avis No. 157 No 157 1st … Reports by Committees Rapports de comités Introduction of Bills Dépôt de projets de loi Statements by the Ministry and … provision of health care, continuing Ontario Health and making consequential and related amendments and repeals, be …
    Orders & Notices
  13. … Orders and Notices Paper Feuilleton et Avis No. 170 No 170 1st … Reports by Committees Rapports de comités Introduction of Bills Dépôt de projets de loi Statements by the Ministry and … provision of health care, continuing Ontario Health and making consequential and related amendments and repeals, be …
    Orders & Notices
  14. … Orders and Notices Paper Feuilleton et Avis No. 159 No 159 1st … Reports by Committees Rapports de comités Introduction of Bills Dépôt de projets de loi Statements by the Ministry and … provision of health care, continuing Ontario Health and making consequential and related amendments and repeals, be …
    Orders & Notices
  15. … Orders and Notices Paper Feuilleton et Avis No. 161 No 161 1st … Reports by Committees Rapports de comités Introduction of Bills Dépôt de projets de loi Statements by the Ministry and … provision of health care, continuing Ontario Health and making consequential and related amendments and repeals, be …
    Orders & Notices