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Displaying 121 - 135 of 654
  1. … school buses, streamlining accident reporting requirements and amending other road safety programs / Projet de loi 138, … should not be optional but a requirement under the law, and the necessary resources to ensure the proper … between because the good truckers that used to pay their bills in 30 days, no problem, are down to 60 days. The guys …
    Committee Hansard
  2. … ONTARIO MARCH OF DIMES ONTARIO ASSOCIATION OF INTERVAL AND TRANSITION HOUSES ONTARIO SOCIAL SAFETY NETWORK … SOCIALE Consideration of Bill 142, An Act to revise the law related to Social Assistance by enacting the Ontario … with a process that puts two very different bills together and asks the committee to deal with what are …
    Committee Hansard
  3. … SAFETY AND CONSUMER STATUTES ADMINISTRATION ACT, 1996 / LOI DE 1996 … watchdogs by passing an eight-page piece of paper into law? Is this government rushing to pass this bill only … got nothing particularly to gripe about regarding profit-making, but we know that the prime responsibility of a …
    Committee Hansard
  4. … HALTON REGION FEDERATION OF AGRICULTURE ONTARIO PROPERTY AND ENVIRONMENTAL RIGHTS ALLIANCE CANADIAN BAR ASSOCIATION -- … participation in discussions at an earlier stage of these bills. The Chair: That affords us actually a little less or … rights to the "peaceful use and enjoyment," under common law, will have been further stricken and reduced. These …
    Committee Hansard
  5. … RENT CONTROL HAMILTON AND DISTRICT APARTMENT ASSOCIATION MCQUESTEN LEGAL AND … one of 74 clinics in Ontario. We specialize in an area of law that is known as poverty law. One of the main areas we … tired of all these freeloaders in this country. I pay the bills, I call the shots and I treat my tenants the best I can …
    Committee Hansard
  6. … SAVINGS AND RESTRUCTURING ACT, 1995 / LOI DE 1995 SUR LES ÉCONOMIES … that we could support and one that we believed is the best law, based on what we as a government wanted to do." Surely … with the intent of certain sections of laws or certain bills that are being brought forward. You have as much …
    Committee Hansard
  7. … ADVOCACY COALITION LABOUR COUNCIL OF METROPOLITAN TORONTO AND YORK REGION KYLE RAE MULTIPLE DWELLING STANDARDS … consent? Under the Health Care Consent Act, which became law only a few months ago, people are required to provide … a daughter with cerebral palsy and suddenly the mother is making some demands because she doesn't think her daughter is …
    Committee Hansard
  8. … AUTOMOTIVE RECYCLERS ASSOCIATION NIGEL GILBY LONDON AND AREA MASSAGE THERAPISTS ASSOCIATION ZARA KIMBALL MORRIS … on June 30, 1990, about one week after the no-fault law was put in. Basically, I'm just here to tell you about … and you're obviously familiar with the two earlier bills that purported to constitute reform, Bill 164 and
    Committee Hansard
  9. … INJURED WORKERS GROUP WORKERS' COMPENSATION BOARD HEALTH AND SAFETY FIGHTBACK ONTARIO ENGLISH CATHOLIC TEACHERS' … District Chamber of Commerce Ms Loretta Stoyka Mr David Law Labourers' International Union, Local 625 Mr Wally Dunn … has to take care of him. He pays his mortgage, he pays his bills and my family buys his groceries. We take him out. For …
    Committee Hansard
  10. … The Chair: Yes, there was a 4 o'clock cancellation and the 3:30 individual is apparently not here. Mr David … opportunities without discrimination that is contrary to law, and having as its aim the creation of a climate of … would stand whereby they can, if they choose, discuss bills like 142 because of its obvious relation to Bill 22. …
    Committee Hansard
  11. … Union of Public Employees. If you could come forward and identify yourselves for Hansard, we would appreciate it. … of association and rights of equal treatment under the law that most of us take for granted. It demonizes and … this actually tells the truth. Usually most of their bills are titled to do the opposite to what they want. This …
    Committee Hansard
  12. … hoping that you're having a good summer, as I am, and looking forward to further nice days ahead. This morning … table? Thanks for coming this morning. While Mr Wright is making himself comfortable, I would entertain a motion from … Why do you suppose the Ontario Legislature would enact a law that would say to private sector companies, "You can't …
    Committee Hansard
  13. … EN MATIÈRE D'EMPLOI MIZIWE BIIK ABORIGINAL EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING BLACK EDUCATORS' WORKING GROUP UNITED … instituting these voluntarily -- Ms Salmon: But you're making it extremely difficult for them to do that by saying … proposed Bill 8 calls for a total repeal of the existing law. What possible recommendations could you have as …
    Committee Hansard
  14. … OF REHABILITATION PROFESSIONALS, ONTARIO ONTARIO HOTEL AND MOTEL ASSOCIATION CHAMBER OF COMMMERCE OF KITCHENER AND … etc. Some of these professions are not regulated by law, but many have voluntary professional bodies. Some … away about how unfair things are. How will you react if bills are forced through and you are not heard? This bill, we …
    Committee Hansard
  15. … *Mr PatHoy (Essex-Kent L) *Mr Jean-MarcLalonde (Prescott and Russell / Prescott et Russell L) *Mr BartMaves (Niagara … in the act and also the provision that would allow for the making of a regulation prescribing a minimum amount for … the bad-boss employer. If this language were to become the law, it would empower the branch and the ministry to go after …
    Committee Hansard