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Displaying 586 - 600 of 654
  1. … L) Vice-Chair / Vice-Président : Gerretsen, John (Kingston and The Islands / Kingston et Les Îles L) *Ecker, Janet … day care, we maintain the previous decade's commitment to making child care a welfare service, not a commercial … is nonsensical. As in other professions such as law and medicine, we have to find ways to leverage the …
    Committee Hansard
  2. … ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND CONSULTATION IMPROVEMENT ACT, 1996 / LOI DE 1996 … shall not consider any pre-approval activities when making a decision under section 10 and the board shall not … that you just passed, this motion is not necessary in law. You've already achieved this outcome. The Chair: All …
    Committee Hansard
  3. … counsel, legal services, Ministry of Northern Development and Mines Mr Blain K. Morin (Nickel Belt) Mr Bud Wildman … something that prescribes, something that supersedes other bills. You very clearly articulated that many French-language … subsection: "Limitation "(3.1) A board shall not pass a by-law under subsection (3) until transition ratios are …
    Committee Hansard
  4. … Lindberg, assistant deputy minister, health insurance and related programs Ms Marsha Barnes, director, provider … (Etobicoke-Rexdale PC) *Mr Jean-Marc Lalonde (Prescott and Russell / Prescott et Russell L) *Ms Shelley Martel … more. How do we account for having a lot of specialists making a couple of hundred thousand or whatever -- I have no …
    Committee Hansard
  5. … CONDUCT OF BUSINESS ORDER AND DECORUM CONTENTS Wednesday 24 April 1996 Conduct of … is that the Speaker did not name a particular member for making an unparliamentary remark, but what the Speaker did … points of privilege and introduction of private members' bills and all that stuff were abused and probably was part of …
    Committee Hansard
  6. … CONDUCT OF BUSINESS ORDER AND DECORUM CONTENTS Wednesday 24 April 1996 Conduct of … is that the Speaker did not name a particular member for making an unparliamentary remark, but what the Speaker did … points of privilege and introduction of private members' bills and all that stuff were abused and probably was part of …
    Committee Hansard
  7. … have a question on the candidate who cannot be here today and is being postponed to another date, and what transpires … not participate in the discussions leading to the decision-making"? You're quite comfortable you could switch the light … in researching and interpreting legislation and case law. I believe my past experience makes me well qualified for …
    Committee Hansard
  8. … Jamieson, Ombudsman Ministry of the Solicitor General and Correctional Services Mr Neil McKerrell, assistant deputy … that would not be an encouragement for them to respect the law. Would you agree? Ms Jamieson: It certainly exposes … positively to tentative reports and final reports and making the improvements in the administration that are …
    Committee Hansard
  9. … Mr RonJohnson (Brantford PC) Mr Jean-MarcLalonde (Prescott and Russell / Prescott et Russell L) Mr Gary L. Leadston … you up to date, the intention today, with the assistance and cooperation of the committee, is to try to finish the … main objection to this recommendation is that by making her office subject to the government's operating …
    Committee Hansard
  10. … (PROGRAMME ONTARIO AU TRAVAIL) STATEMENT BY THE MINISTER AND RESPONSES CONTENTS Monday 15 June 1998 Prevention of … the integrity of the reforms our government has been making to this province's welfare system. We have come too … eligibility rules for teenagers, for people in common-law relationships and for those who voluntarily quit jobs or …
    Committee Hansard
  11. … Provincial Auditor: Section 3.16, occupational health and safety program Ministry of Labour Mr Tim Millard, Deputy … the effectiveness of joint health and safety committees by making them more reflective of the needs of the individual … of us, to have someone there to be able to enforce the law. I hasten to add that when we talk about self-reliance we …
    Committee Hansard
  12. … MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING CONTENTS Monday 5 February 1996 Ministry of … and we must have an ear to the ground and we must be making sure that we understand the systems. But that doesn't … in adolescence, there are fewer encounters with the law, fewer cases of incarceration. I think the minister …
    Committee Hansard
  13. … OXFORD COUNTY LIBRARY MIDDLESEX COUNTY LIBRARY COUNTY AND REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY LIBRARIANS BILL ARMSTRONG MARTHA … 0910 Mr Michael Gravelle (Port Arthur): Thank you for making a presentation. There are a number of issues I'd love … of that kind of thing crop up as this bill becomes the law and as municipalities are allowed to do those kinds of …
    Committee Hansard
  14. … LES REDEVANCES D'AMÉNAGEMENT MINISTER OF MUNICIPAL AFFAIRS AND HOUSING ONTARIO LIBRARY ASSOCIATION CITY OF LONDON URBAN … minutes. Mr Sergio: Bill 103, which is one of your other bills, is supposed to give local municipalities all kinds of … three hospitals. Mr Sergio: Instead of having one blanket law, for example, as is being proposed, you believe it should …
    Committee Hansard
  15. … BALI JAMES ALCOCK LABOUR COUNCIL OF METROPOLITAN TORONTO AND YORK REGION STELLA SAVAGE CONTENTS Wednesday 19 February … either. Do you think the government should put aside this law for now, put it in abeyance, go to the people, go to the … of their province, rather than as spectators who pay the bills but have little say in deciding what government does." …
    Committee Hansard