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  1. … to amend various statutes, to revoke various regulations and to enact the Supporting Growth and Housing in York and … particularly since 2011, and despite all of the housing bills we’ve seen, the problem has gotten worse and worse and … adversely affected by builders and vendors who break the law. Speaker, bad actors will now face hundreds of thousands …
    House Hansard
  2. … Gascho Ms Mary Ross Hendriks STANDING COMMITTEE ON FINANCE AND ECONOMIC AFFAIRS Chair / Président Mr Terence H. Young … to report regularly to the industries that are paying its bills. Therefore, we've recommended that the following … Of course, if there appears to be a deliberate breach of law, FICOM could still pursue a prosecution in conjunction …
    Committee Hansard
  3. … ORDERS OF THE DAY MINISTRY OF COMMUNITY AND SOCIAL SERVICES AMENDMENT ACT MINISTRY OF COMMUNITY AND … a person in the community were administering, paying the bills, etcetera on behalf of recipients for one reason or … you can have a single proprietorship -- that one person by law fits into that business of recipient, but it is entirely …
    House Hansard
  4. … disputes during collective bargaining in certain sectors and to facilitate collective bargaining following … talking about pay equity alone. Although the government is making a lot of noise about taking away two out of the three, … absolutely refused to play ball. We get very technical bills, such as the City of Toronto Act, version 2, that do …
    Committee Hansard
  5. … House sittings Introduction of Visitors Introduction of Bills 2103890 Ontario Limited Act, 2022 Notwithstanding … bill: Bill 36, An Act to implement Budget measures and to enact and amend various statutes / Projet de loi 36, … manufacturing. We have a stable government that provides law, order and good government, and is a good place for …
    House Hansard
  6. … appointment, selected by official opposition party and third party: David Arnill, intended appointee as … support development proposals that meet the letter of the law. Mr Arnill: Aggregate extraction is not permitted in the … fear. Although they might say they are not interested in making amendments, it is my view that amendments will be …
    Committee Hansard
  7. … into the meat, shall we say, of my criticism of Bill 111 and my comments on the principle of the bill, which is to … of the third party and saying to us, "This is what these bills are about. This is the kind of authority we are after. … school. As I understand it, the province is required by law to put in an exactly equal contribution to the pension …
    House Hansard
  8. … Restraint of Compensation in the Public Sector of Ontario and the Monitoring of Inflationary Conditions in the Economy … to tell us what this meant in terms of administrative law because of the blatant disregard of the Statutory Powers … of this House rests in those benches opposite. Other bills could have come in here. Bill 138 could have come into …
    House Hansard
  9. … that you're here. I don't know if you want to start out by making a short statement or if you want us to move into … name. I'm currently a vice-principal for health sciences and dean of the faculty of medicine at Queen's University. … is no justice for the victim. I used to practice criminal law, and even having done that I'm perhaps even more …
    Committee Hansard
  10. … CREDIT UNIONS AND CAISSES POPULAIRES AMENDMENT ACT (CONTINUED) … been talking for some time about sunset clauses in various bills. Mr. Wildman: It was this minister's idea. Mr. Swart: I … 1977, and I brought in a private bill to create the sunset law long before it ever became a word in vogue. As we …
    House Hansard
  11. … in the galleries that you are visitors in this House and any disturbances or disruptions will be dealt with by … about English as a second language programs and how this law will cut back on those programs. I talked a little about … This bill as a whole is probably one of the most important bills that will break historic tradition in Toronto. It will …
    House Hansard
  12. … 29 aoû 2022 STANDING COMMITTEE ON HERITAGE, INFRASTRUCTURE AND CULTURAL POLICY COMITÉ PERMANENT DU PATRIMOINE, DE … the housing crisis. This bill comes in a list of other bills which the government put in place to accelerate the … of council to carry those forward within the scope of the law. These decisions already include restructuring or …
    Committee Hansard
  13. … intérim Mr Todd Decker Staff / Personnel Ms Anne Marzalik and Mr Lewis Yeager, research officers, Legislative Research … the rate freeze, march along and just keep handing you the bills -- handing us the bills, technically; thank you for … The electric power generation regulation became law on April 13, 1995. It applies to 12 generating stations …
    Committee Hansard
  14. … AMENDMENT ACT HEALTH PROTECTION ACT HEALTH PROTECTION AND PROMOTION ACT THIRD READING TORONTO FUTURES EXCHANGE ACT … with regard to the bill. Unlike the other compensation bills which have been before this House, no payment into this … it as one of the core programs." I am not speaking about making it a core program. I am speaking, as my colleague the …
    House Hansard
  15. … that in subclause 1(1)(d)(ii) the word "four" be deleted and replaced by the word "three." Mr. Philip: Mr. Chairman, … question is with regard to the refinancing of the Treasury bills put out last year for the first time in many years. … Mr. T. P. Reid: That is right. I had a chance to go into law but it was too easy, as the minister has proved. Anyway, …
    House Hansard