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Displaying 31 - 45 of 659
  1. … According to the rules of the House then, I shall rise and report. Mr. R. F. Nixon (Leader of the Opposition): I … retroactive effect. In the absence of an opinion from the law officers of the Crown saying that this unusual section 23 … particularly since he’s taken his money in used $1 bills, non-serialized in sequence and run off to Switzerland, …
    House Hansard
  2. … Maternal mental health Diabetes Veterans Introduction of Bills Defibrillator Registry Act, 2019 / Loi de 2019 sur le registre des défibrillateurs Defibrillator Registration and Public Access Act, 2019 / Loi de 2019 sur l’accès public … leur enregistrement Public Safety Related to Dogs Statute Law Amendment Act, 2019 Highway Traffic Amendment Act (Air …
    House Hansard
  3. … CONSOLIDATED COMPUTER INC. MANAGEMENT BOARD ORDERS LAW REFORM COMMISSION REPORTS ON FAMILY LAW WITHDRAWAL OF … North): Mr. Speaker, I would like to introduce to you, and through you to the members of the Legislature, a group of … in reviewing it. Mr. Speaker: Motions. Introduction of bills. The hon. member for York-Forest Hill. PROTECTION OF …
    House Hansard
  4. … 2020 Orders of the Day Supporting Ontario’s Recovery and Municipal Elections Act, 2020 / Loi de 2020 visant à … Taskforce Environmental protection Introduction of Bills Ontario Rebuilding and Recovery Act, 2020 / Loi de 2020 … de transport Petitions Optometry services Family law Pharmacare Power plants Road safety Long-term care Magna …
    House Hansard
  5. … THE MENTALLY RETARDED LYNWOOD AVE. ENTERPRISES LTD. HEALTH AND SAFETY HAZARDS AT ELLIOT LAKE WINDSOR PROVINCIAL PUBLIC … Act to amend the Income Tax Act. Mr. Speaker: Shall these bills be ordered for third reading? Agreed. Mr. Speaker: … what are we going to do? We are going to have a family law reform programme, a unified family court, subject to …
    House Hansard
  6. … 1975 / Jeu 19 jun 1975 OMBUDSMAN ACT (CONCLUDED) FAMILY LAW REFORM ACT REPORTING OF COMMITTEE The House resumed at 8 … whether or not the hon. member for Riverdale (Mr. Renwick) and the hon. minister have come up with a compromise. Hon. … Mr. Chairman: Okay. We are trying to get one of the best bills possible for the people of Ontario and it is a new …
    House Hansard
  7. … Jeudi 29 octobre 2020 Orders of the Day Ontario Rebuilding and Recovery Act, 2020 / Loi de 2020 sur la reconstruction et … et la relance en Ontario Petitions Long-term care Family law Long-term care Infrastructure funding Long-term care … help them survive this pandemic and continue to pay their bills, pay their mortgage, pay their rent and lead good …
    House Hansard
  8. … CHILD WELFARE LEGISLATION NIAGARA ESCARPMENT PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT AMENDMENT ACT NOTICE OF MOTION NO.6 PUBLIC … in many instances the Crown attorney on a pure matter of law is unable to go ahead and process these types of charges. … 16,719,000 Mr. Speaker: Motions. Introduction of bills. NIAGARA ESCARPMENT PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT AMENDMENT …
    House Hansard
  9. … 2021 Islamophobia Orders of the Day Protecting Elections and Defending Democracy Act, 2021 / Loi de 2021 visant à … that Bill 254 was the first express recognition in Ontario law—or even in Canadian law, for that matter—that members of … help their beautiful kids. Speaker, this is one of those bills that shows the priorities of this government. When …
    House Hansard
  10. … Mardi 23 février 2021 Orders of the Day Workplace Safety and Insurance Amendment Act, 2021 / Loi de 2021 modifiant la … Standing Committee on Government Agencies Introduction of Bills Support for Adults in Need of Assistance Act, 2021 / … that advertise sexual services to have a contact for law enforcement to request information as part of a human …
    House Hansard
  11. … MILL NEAR WAWA STOL SERVICE EXECUTIVE PAY INCREASES GAME AND FISH BOARD STRIKE AT NCR ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STUDIES … result, we believe, is a rational and reasonable system of law which will serve as a model in Canada and elsewhere. … Petitions. Presenting reports. Motions. Introduction of bills. SECURITIES ACT Hon. Mr. Handleman moves first reading …
    House Hansard
  12. … highlighted what older adults, advocates, family members and front-line workers in this sector have been saying … it would prevent the government from rushing to pass this law. You see, our system of democracy vests remarkable power … I’ve been a member for nearly a decade. I’ve seen lots of bills come through this Legislature. I saw Bill 254, and I …
    House Hansard
  13. … L044 - Mon 12 May 1975 / Lun 12 mai 1975 FAMILY LAW REFORM MINAKI LODGE MINAKI LODGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS IN NORTHWESTERN ONTARIO FINANCIAL SUPPORT FOR COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES GOVERNMENT PROGRAMME FAMILY LAW REFORM … on the taxpayers of this province to meet the bills for keeping it going even as a closed-down operation? …
    House Hansard
  14. … Hockey tournament Police auxiliary units Introduction of Bills Home Care and Community Services Amendment Act (Dan’s Law), 2019 / Loi de 2019 modifiant la Loi sur les services de …
    House Hansard
  15. … PORTRAYAL OF VIOLENCE BY COMMUNICATION INDUSTRY OIL AND GAS PRICES HAZARDS IN KITCHENER AREA PLANTS SALES TAX … our citizens, who have a profound respect for the rule of law and are deeply conscious of the basic decency, civility … Petitions. Presenting reports. Motions. Introduction of bills. EXPROPRIATIONS AMENDMENT ACT Hon. Mr. Clement moves …
    House Hansard