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  1. … LOI DE 1996 SUR L'AMÉLIORATION DES NORMES D'EMPLOI LONDON AND DISTRICT LABOUR COUNCIL LONDON CHAMBER OF COMMERCE … our office for advice when employers do not follow the law set out in the Employment Standards Act. We were not … clothing, work, and cannot pay their hydro, gas or phone bills, if they can manage to get a phone in the first place. …
    Committee Hansard
  2. … 24 June 2020 Mercredi 24 juin 2020 Protecting Tenants and Strengthening Community Housing Act, 2020 Loi de 2020 … Downtown Legal Services, University of Toronto Faculty of Law Niagara Community Legal Clinic Durham Community Legal … It gives the community an opportunity to come and speak to bills, and from these consultations, we’re able to make …
    Committee Hansard
  3. … 2020 Orders of the Day Supporting Ontario’s Recovery and Municipal Elections Act, 2020 / Loi de 2020 visant à … Taskforce Environmental protection Introduction of Bills Ontario Rebuilding and Recovery Act, 2020 / Loi de 2020 … de transport Petitions Optometry services Family law Pharmacare Power plants Road safety Long-term care Magna …
    House Hansard
  4. … 30 March 2021 Mardi 30 mars 2021 Supporting Broadband and Infrastructure Expansion Act, 2021 Loi de 2021 soutenant … need to be looked at in regulation. That’s the way that bills are designed. That’s the way that they’ve been done for … government has gone and changed the rules, changed the law, and said, “Oh, and retroactively it will be illegal and
    Committee Hansard
  5. … UNION OF CANADA IAN SELLORS COMMUNICATIONS, ENERGY AND PAPERWORKERS UNION OF CANADA, ONTARIO REGION DURHAM … temporary who right now have very little protection in the law? Mr Kirkpatrick: I'll answer the second part first. The … the impact that arbitrators are restrained under with bills such as Bill 26. I remind you of schedule Q which, …
    Committee Hansard
  6. … THE MENTALLY RETARDED LYNWOOD AVE. ENTERPRISES LTD. HEALTH AND SAFETY HAZARDS AT ELLIOT LAKE WINDSOR PROVINCIAL PUBLIC … Act to amend the Income Tax Act. Mr. Speaker: Shall these bills be ordered for third reading? Agreed. Mr. Speaker: … what are we going to do? We are going to have a family law reform programme, a unified family court, subject to …
    House Hansard
  7. … HOSPITAL EMPLOYEES BASEBALL CHAMPIONSHIPS INTRODUCTION OF BILLS INTERCOUNTRY ADOPTION ACT, 1998 / LOI DE 1998 SUR … behalf of Reta Duenisch Turner, the late Mr Ronald Latimer and the thousands of senior citizens across the province who … During the past three years, we have worked with the Law Society of Upper Canada to successfully bring legal aid …
    House Hansard
  8. … SOCIALE Consideration of Bill 142, An Act to revise the law related to Social Assistance by enacting the Ontario Works Act and the Ontario Disability Support Program Act, by repealing … cover out-of-pocket expenses for such things as paying bills on behalf of the individual, that it would be for such …
    Committee Hansard
  9. … Wednesday 17 June 2020 Mercredi 17 juin 2020 Smarter and Stronger Justice Act, 2020 Loi de 2020 pour un système … of the comprehensive independent report conducted by the Law Commission of Ontario, which found no reason to modify … Act. In an age where governments around the world are making themselves more open and more susceptible to criticism …
    Committee Hansard
  10. … / Jeu 11 Jun 1998 1 ORDERS OF THE DAY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND WORKPLACE DEMOCRACY ACT, 1998 / LOI DE 1998 SUR LE … creation. Finally, Bill 31 proposes that we finalize in law some important changes that make our adjudicative … as I can within that time, let me say that, as in previous bills introduced by the government, this one is also terribly …
    House Hansard
  11. … 2020 Mercredi 14 octobre 2020 Moving Ontario Family Law Forward Act, 2020 Loi de 2020 faisant avancer le droit de … Protection Lawyers   The committee met at 0901 in room 151 and by video conference. Moving Ontario Family Law Forward … who are talking about reform to the child welfare sector, making it proactive as to how we can keep families better …
    Committee Hansard
  12. … 26 March 2021 Vendredi 26 mars 2021 Supporting Broadband and Infrastructure Expansion Act, 2021 Loi de 2021 soutenant … standards and industry best practices. These sources of law have been developed in partnership with the excavation … have a lot of folks who see changes in their property tax bills as a result of this schedule, and they don’t realize …
    Committee Hansard
  13. … 1975 / Jeu 19 jun 1975 OMBUDSMAN ACT (CONCLUDED) FAMILY LAW REFORM ACT REPORTING OF COMMITTEE The House resumed at 8 … whether or not the hon. member for Riverdale (Mr. Renwick) and the hon. minister have come up with a compromise. Hon. … Mr. Chairman: Okay. We are trying to get one of the best bills possible for the people of Ontario and it is a new …
    House Hansard
  14. … Jeudi 29 octobre 2020 Orders of the Day Ontario Rebuilding and Recovery Act, 2020 / Loi de 2020 sur la reconstruction et … et la relance en Ontario Petitions Long-term care Family law Long-term care Infrastructure funding Long-term care … help them survive this pandemic and continue to pay their bills, pay their mortgage, pay their rent and lead good …
    House Hansard
  15. … ADVOCACY, CONSENT AND SUBSTITUTE DECISIONS STATUTE LAW AMENDMENT ACT, 1995 / LOI DE 1995 MODIFIANT DES LOIS EN … that you're going to make under this bill and under other bills. If that is the government-wide policy, then I say to …
    Committee Hansard