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Displaying 2041 - 2055 of 3084
  1. … plus sûrs   The committee met at 0900 in committee room 1 and by video conference. Moving Ontarians More Safely Act, … but testimony that this committee has heard in previous bills during this Parliament around the importance of … special constable, a First Nations constable, a municipal law enforcement officer or an auxiliary member of a police …
    Committee Hansard
  2. … the lives of all of us in this room. We always hear and have concern and are reminded about the fight ultimately … If he's putting an age limit, he's totally against the law in this province. There's no age limit on when you can … are going to include a huge amount to deal with the bills that have to be paid. We think the allocation this year …
    Committee Hansard
  3. … EDUCATION QUALITY AND ACCOUNTABILITY OFFICE ACT, 1995 / LOI DE 1995 SUR … matters which may result in either suits under civil law or criminal charges being laid, matters which relate to … the different aspects, as Sheryl mentioned when she was making the presentation. Unfortunately, that hasn't been …
    Committee Hansard
  4. … EDUCATION QUALITY AND ACCOUNTABILITY OFFICE ACT, 1995 / LOI DE 1995 SUR … matters which may result in either suits under civil law or criminal charges being laid, matters which relate to … the different aspects, as Sheryl mentioned when she was making the presentation. Unfortunately, that hasn't been …
    Committee Hansard
  5. … PROTECTION CONTAINER SERVICES ARM INTRODUCTION OF BILLS ONTARIO ASSOCIATION OF CERTIFIED ENGINEERING TECHNICIANS AND TECHNOLOGISTS ACT, 1998 MOTIONS PRIVATE MEMBERS' PUBLIC … the responsibilities assigned to them as officers of the law. Few jobs in our society involve the potential for …
    House Hansard
  6. … REPORT The Chair (Mr Floyd Laughren): We're ready to begin and the first item of business is the report of the … isn't caught up in them but is still concerned about making sure that people are represented and we bring … fall between the cracks, where you have the letter of the law, and yet you have clear human situations where the …
    Committee Hansard
  7. … Arnold Mr Leon Bensason STANDING COMMITTEE ON REGULATIONS AND PRIVATE BILLS Chair / Président Mr Toby Barrett (Norfolk PC) … legislation, under the Ontario Heritage Act, that is the law as I understand it. Mr Shea: And Pr15 is not doing …
    Committee Hansard
  8. … 2020 Mardi 25 février 2020 Defibrillator Registration and Public Access Act, 2020 Loi de 2020 sur l’accès public … to go on the registry. That was to make sure that in the law, it defines the premises. This definition would limit … curriculum for grade 9; it is not being done. To me, we’re making a statement by adding it into this bill. Everybody who …
    Committee Hansard
  9. … inflation. It hasn’t worked in the last couple of years, and there is some doubt in my mind as to whether it will work … Clement: An agent acting on behalf of any vendor must by law notify that vendor if he is acting on behalf of any other … Petitions. Presenting reports. Motions. Introduction of bills. COMMISSIONER OF THE LEGISLATURE ACT, 1974 Mr. Singer …
    House Hansard
  10. … 2019 / Mer 11 déc 2019 STANDING COMMITTEE ON REGULATIONS AND PRIVATE BILLS COMITÉ PERMANENT DES RÈGLEMENTS ET DES PROJETS DE LOI … In those spaces where they don’t have a sign posted, this law would not be enforceable. And then there will be a …
    Committee Hansard
  11. … quality Climate change Future Possibilities for Kids Arts and culture Sledge hockey challenge Scleroderma Reports by … Committees Standing Committee on Regulations and Private Bills Standing Committee on Regulations and Private Bills … which is debated in this House and can pass into law. In October of last year, I introduced Bill 50, the …
    House Hansard
  12. … No. 171 N o 171 Orders and Notices Legislative Assembly of Ontario Feuilleton et … BUSINESS / AFFAIRES ÉMANANT DES DÉPUTÉS 11 PRIVATE BILLS / PROJETS DE LOI D'INTÉRÊT PRIVÉ 14 NOTICES / AVIS 15 … Reading Bill 96, An Act to Consolidate and Revise the Law with respect to Residential Tenancies. Hon. A. Leach. …
    Orders & Notices
  13. … Aug 2020 / Lun 17 aoû 2020 STANDING COMMITTEE ON FINANCE AND ECONOMIC AFFAIRS COMITÉ PERMANENT DES FINANCES ET DES … Ontario’s Auditor General said, essentially, you broke the law in doing this. So can you please tell me how you intend … needing to cover their rent, their utilities, all of their bills, having access to transportation in their region, being …
    Committee Hansard
  14. … Members’ Statements Conservation authorities Russ and Janet Arthurs Dennis Fairall Volunteers Treaties … Standing Committee on Government Agencies Introduction of Bills 62 Grimsby Phantom Squadron Sponsoring Committee Act … Ontario, Hindu Heritage Month was unanimously passed into law by the Legislature four years ago, and it recognizes the …
    House Hansard
  15. … in the chamber Introduction of members for Ottawa–Vanier and Orléans / Présentation des députés d’Ottawa–Vanier et … Extension of emergency declaration Introduction of Bills COVID-19 Response and Reforms to Modernize Ontario Act, … have answered the call to help. Distilleries like Murphy’s Law have retooled their production to make hand sanitizer, …
    House Hansard